The Spectrum

Most delay plugins are designed to look like hardware – a bunch of knobs and some switches. While that is fine for studio work, and old school producers, it is out of step with the modern producer or performer. That’s why we have included high resolution FFT spectrum displays on this plugin. You can literally see how you are affecting the music, allowing for better use of the effect.
Beat Quantization

The inclusion of a deep quantization system that works in real time is key to creating a delay effect that will work in a live environment. By right clicking on the delay time parameter, you can change the allowable quantizations of the measure. Setting the delays to different quantized lengths is an easy way to build simple polyrhythms.
Filter Sweeps

Finally, we’ve added a couple filters which can be swept at the touch of a button. A filter sweep is one of the most common effects used in EDM production, and here we make it intuitive, simple, and visible. You can use this to strip away the beat and hear only the high end response, or sweep down and have the bass beats come rushing back in.

Finally, to cap it all off, we offer this to you as a free plugin! We only ask that you register after 30 days. Thanks!